Who is TourMedical ?

We as Tourmedical are specialized in Cosmetic Dentistry & Dental Implant Treatments since 2005. Our Oral Surgeons & Cosmetic Dentists are always following up to date techniques and rules. The equipments and products we use are always superior quality as we know how important this is to achieve a big SMILE for You and for ourselves. We are proud to welcome hunderds of patients from abroad every year. We are now a big family and growing day by day. Join us and Smile with us.

Why Should You Consider TourMedical ?

Why do people want to travel huge distances around the world to undergo medical procedures? The answer is simple, affordable healthcare. Not to mention a little bit of leisure and peaceful recuperation in complete anonymity.

The practice of comfortably traveling abroad to have your medical procedure performed by highly qualified surgeons at some of the most advanced medical centers in the world has obvious appeal. We care for you at all stages of your treatment, and are committed to providing you the best patient care services and ensuring that you receive most appropriate treatment available. We recognize that all patients are different and we strive to provide that extra level of care that makes the TourMedical experience unique.

We help you understand the various treatment options available to you and will then help you liaise with the dentist to ensure they offer the right plan for your dental care.

Why Is Medical Tourism Becoming Popular ?

Our dedicated team have a broad understanding of the latest dental techniques to make your teeth look better and healthier with access to numerous highly qualified dentists and hygienists; we have the breadth of understanding to offer a wide range of services from facial aesthetics to cosmetic dentistry, dental health advice to holistic treatments.

TourMedical is dedicated to providing personalized, high quality travel care services centered on each patient. We are a full service dental clinic with a history of meeting the health care needs of our clients.

Why Choose Turkey ?

Turkey, bordering eight different countries from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, has a unique and strategic geographical location forming a bridge. For thousands of years it has been the cradle to more civilizations than any other country in the world.

Turkey is a destination where you will feel at home while experiencing world famous Turkish hospitality. You will be able to combine your medical trip for top quality, affordable health care with a variety of short vacation and tourism opportunities in a culturally and historically rich environment to make it a more relaxing experience. We believe that Turkey is already an important player in this rapidly growing industry.

Tour Medical is a intermediary institution