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Treatment Info

Inlays, onlays and overlays are indirect fillings made of porcelain that fit into and onto the tooth. They are used to make the tooth stronger by holding it together while retaining a natural looking colour.

Treatment Location

Kusadasi / Turkey

Treatment Type

Repairing Damaged teeth Tooth stronger

Treatment Cost

Starting Price 500 €

Treatment Duration

10 Days Max

6 days

Inlays, onlays and overlays are indirect fillings made of porcelain that fit into and onto the tooth. They are used to make the tooth stronger by holding it together while retaining a natural looking colour. These fillings are similar to regular composite fillings, but they are made in a dental laboratory instead of being directly applied to the tooth and shaped by your dentist.

Dental inlays and onlays are procedures that are used to restore a decayed or damaged tooth to its original condition. Inlay/onlay/overlay procedures leave healthy tooth structure while offering perfect fitting, stronger and longer lasting solution to tooth decay or other similar structural damage. These procedures are also great alternatives to traditional dental fillings both from the aesthetic and the functionality point of view.

What Are Inlay, Onlay, Overlay Fillings?

Inlay , is a type of dental restoration where the material is bonded within the centre of the tooth as a filling and is an all in-clinic procedure.

Onlay treatment is applied when the extent of the damage requires the inclusion of one or more sections of the tooth and is prepared at dental laboratories.

Overlay, treatment is applied when the extent of the damage requires the full inclusion of the biting surface and in fact are categorized as crowns. Just like onlays, the overlays are custom made and are fabricated at dental labs.

When Should The Inlay & Onlay Treatments Be Used?

Inlay and onlay treatments are great choices when you have minimal tooth decay and are excellent alternative to full coverage crowns.

Benefits Of Inlay, Onlay, Overlay?

  • Preserve as much healthy tooth as possible
  • Offer superior fit
  • Aesthetic longevity
  • Ensures functional sustainability
  • Easier tooth cleaning when compared to full coverage restorative alternatives
  • Tight space fitting to seal the teeth and keep bacteria at bay
  • Durable material that actually strengthens the damaged tooth


For All Inlay / Onlay / Overlay Procedures:

  • Consultation and X-ray.
  • Preparation of the tooth that needs to be restored by removing a small amount of tooth structure.
  • Taking an impression of your tooth. This is done by a mould filled with dental putty which you will be asked to bite into. The impression will be sent to a dental lab where your crown will be fabricated. This might take a few days. Your dentist will let you know the exact day after taking your impression.
  • Temporary restoration of the tooth.
  • Fitting and bonding of the new onlay/overlay onto the tooth.
  • A few adjustments (if needed) for proper fit and so that the bite is comfortable

An inlay treatment is completed in a single appointment, but the onlay/overlay procedures usually require two appointments.

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