Smoking causes harmful pollutants, including tar and nicotine.Tar has the most effect in the development of cancer , and nicotine speeds up the heart rate and raises blood pressure , but also penetrates into the gums. The probability of the occurrence of periodontal disease (gum disease) is higher for smokers than for non -smokers. One of the biggest reason here is that the harmful substances in the smoke cause that the immune cells no longer control the bacteria in plaque, and therefore it creates paronditis. Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors associated with the development of gum disease. Additionally, smoking can lower the chances for successful treatment.
If you are missing a tooth, it may be replaced by an implant. An implant is an artificial root that is located in the jawbone. Implants are an alternative to a crown, bridge or dentures. With people who smoke, the implant can not grow properly fixed into the jawbone. Implants are therefore more likely to be successful if you do not smoke.
The effect of smoking is comparable to that of coffee, tea or red wine, but removing tobacco stains from your teeth is more difficult than other stains. If you have dentures, it is also much more difficult to maintain if you smoke to clean it.
The main reason for bad breath when smoking is found to be caused by the chemicals found in cigarettes. These are then moved into your mouth, where they can build up. Tar and nicotine easily begin to build up on the mouth surfaces. They can stick to places like the teeth, gums, tongue and side of the cheeks. This causes smoker’s breath. A smoker develops after a while a smokers cough, because the airways are chronically irritated because of smoking. Smoking could also be the reason for a dry mouth. It stops the saliva from cleaning out the mouth. This grows the bacteria in the mouth, which lead to a continuous odor on your breath. Because the saliva is not able to move as freely, it can't clean out the bacteria that move through your mouth.
Deciding to quit smoking is a choice that will improve your health in many areas, including your oral hygiene. By deciding to quit smoking, your mouth will be able to function better and remain healthy. We encourage smokers to visit their dentist regularly. When you quit smoking, your mouth will begin to rebuild the damaged areas. That will not only help to prevent bad breath, but also things such as stained teeth, and more serious problems such as gum disease and oral cancer.
If you are a sufferer from any of the dental situation above and want advice or help then call Tourmedical now. Speak to one of our representatives for free and confidential advice. Make a difference in your life, start today.