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Treatment Info

The preparation before hair transplant surgery starts with the blood test. İt will be tested for any medical issues that can be prevent the operation. The blood test takes about 30 minutes.

Treatment Location

Kusadasi / Turkey

Treatment Type

Hair Loss in Men

Hair Loss in Women

Hair Transplantation with Micro FUE

Hair Transplant with Fut

Eyebrow Transplantation

Eyelash Transplantation

Treatment Cost

Starting Price Get A Quote

Treatment Duration

2-3 Hours

2-3 Hours

What is FUE Hair Transplantation?

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplants are done by taking individual hair follicles out of your skin and implanting them on your sculp.

This will make the hair in the new area look thicker.   

Hair Transplant Kusadasi

How do I know if I am a suitable candidate for a Hair Transplant?

The candidates for hair transplantation:

  1.  People with thinning hair and balding are the best candidates for hair transplantation.
  2.  People who suffer of severe hair loss and hereditary baldness.
  3.  People who are older than 22 year of age.

How is the Operation Performed?

  • Local Anesthesia
  • After 4-8 hours of procedure, can be discharged in the same day


How to get ready for before your procedure?

What should be done before the Hair Transplantation
  1. Don’t smoke, drink at least 10 days before surgery.
  2. Don’t take blood thinners at least 7-10 days before surgery.
  3. Avoid strenuous exercise after the surgery during initial few days.
  4. Avoid scratching or rubbing the transplanted area as it may dislodge the grafts and also can cause infection.
  5. Don’t use styling products and hair dryers for a few days
  6. Don’t wear caps and hats after surgery
  7. Go on a healthy diet
  8. Don’t use oil while washing the hair, just shampoo
  9. Don’t taking minoxidil 
  10. Don’t drive after the surgery. Let someone pick you up.
  11. Regular and good sleep.

During the procedure:

Step 1 First Contact

You will contact our clinic via sosial media or phone. You will be asked specific questions about the condition of your hair loss and physical features.

Step 2 Sharing Your Picture

For the next step you will be asked for pictures of your head and explain your expectations before the hair transplant. After all the information is sent to the hair transplant sorgeon, it will be determined how to proceed.

Step 3 Treatment Plan

Based on the surgeons examination, you will be informed about the process.After the treatment plan is ready, it will be sent to you. The treatment plan will be prepared specially for you unique hair contition.


The preparation before hair transplant surgery starts with the blood test. İt will be tested for any medical issues that can be prevent the operation. The blood test takes about 30 minutes. Shaving is going to be the next step. The scalp needs to be completely shaved for hair transplant. The last step will be anesthesia.The sculp will be completely numbed so you wont feel any pain during the operation. This process will take around 15 minutes.


The recovery period from FUE is very quick. You may have some swelling or discomfort for about 3 days.

Here are some aftercare instructions:
  • Don’t wash your hair or shower for at least 3 days.
  • Use gentle, unscented shampoos for a couple of weeks once you start washing your hair.
  • Stay at home for a couple of days and rest to help speed up healing.
  • Don’t comb or brush your new hair for at least 3 weeks.
  • Don’t wear hats, beanies, or other clothing that goes over your head until your doctor says it’s OK.
  • Don’t do any exhausting physical activity for at least a week.
  • Depending on the health of your transplanted hair, your hair may not grow back as thick as


You can see the first changes after 3 months. The best results are after 6 months.  Your hair will grow at a rate of 1.5 cm per month for a whole Life. 

What is the success rate of FUE technique?

It is very successful with a graft survival rate of 90%. 

How long after FUE will I see results?

Most of the patients see results between six and nine months after the surgery.  For some patients, it takes 12 months.  The patient should know that know that between two and eight weeks after the surgery,  the transplanted hair will fall out.


Covering the balding parts of the head and provide a natural look


The success rate of a FUE Hair transplantation is 90%


Due to the local anesthesia, patients won’t feel any pain during the operation


The Healing process is aproximately around 5-6 days We will be with you all the way from the beginning to end. from the minute you arrive to the airport and say good by! We wıll arrange you transportation accommodation pre and post preparation . Your health matters for us!

You deserve to look better, younger and be more confident with the hair transplantation!