People connect expression to a certain personality. For instance: when someone has an exuberant laugh, we find that person sociable and think he has a positive personality. When someone places their hands before their mouth while speaking we tend to associate that with shyness or insecurity. The face speaks volumes. And the teeth even more.
Attractiveness and ‘being normal’ is very important to us. It shows that attractiveness, even with children, plays a role in social acceptance and popularity. We see that attractive people sell products in commercials more easily, and for a reason. Abnormalities make us feel different than others; that we are not normal. Discolored, crooked or otherwise ugly teeth can make a person very unsecure. This perceived ugliness can have hindering social effects, which have an effect on happiness and confidence. Perceived ugliness in the face has an even bigger effect. The rest of the body we can somehow cover, but not the face.
The psychological effect of aesthetic dental treatments are usually positive because of above mentioned reasons. About 80% of the treated persons state that the treatment had a positive effect on their lives and on their self-image. The effect is directly noticeable. The pain during and after the treatment doesn’t last long. With other aesthetical surgery (like breast or belly) patients have to recover during weeks and feel a lot of pain. With dental treatments there is possibly some pain during or shortly after the treatment. People see result almost immediately. Positive reactions from others affirm this feeling. Beautiful teeth are instantly visible. As with every aesthetic operation there are certain aspects that need attention for a positive feeling after a dental treatment.
Choose consciously and choose yourself: when people choose themselves for a treatment the effect more positive compared to when others convinced them to do the treatment. Best is to choose which treatment is the best solution to your problem, together with the dentist, the expert.
Dentist tend to explain the technical side of the treatment. A positive effect can be achieved when the dentist and patient also discuss the emotional effects of the treatment, in advance. For instance, discuss what your own expectations are and ask what the realistic results will be.
Don’t forget that every change (also positive ones!) need time. A first positive feeling can change into a negative one. Take your time to adjust to your new teeth.