Are you thinking of having dental treatment, but have a lot of questions in your mind??
Well check out a blog done by one of our patients from start to finish, how her experience went !
Hello everyone!
So as you all know I visited Kusadasi in Turkey, for a little holiday but my main reason was to have my teeth done FINALLY!!!!
For those who don’t know me, I can’t even begin to explain how much I have wanted this done and for so so long! My nearest and dearest were pretty much sick of me complaining about my teeth and on the 1st March 2015 I finally made the move!
Research into dental work abroad
I did quite a lot of research into dental treatment abroad as Ireland is ridiculous in terms of price when it comes to getting any sort of dental treatment done. I looked into different places including Northern Ireland, England, Poland, Budapest and then Turkey!
I came across ‘Tour Medical’ in Kusadasi Turkey while researching online one day and decided to send a quick email explaining how I felt, what I wanted done etc. I then received a lovely mail back from the beautiful Majella, who is Irish herself and is the organiser for the dental trips for anyone interested in going.
Majella consulted with the cosmetic dentist, Elcin, and decided on a treatment plan which would be best suited for me and which more importantly one which I was happy with in terms of the work and also price.
Heading abroad for dental treatment
Now, I know one thing that is playing on everyone’s minds right now is the fact of going abroad and leaving your own surroundings to have treatment done! I was too, and if I had of had a blog post to refer to it would have been fantastic, hence why I am doing this for you all!
Now that I can speak from experience if I had to get up in the morning and go through the whole experience again, I would without one single thought!
I think one thing to remember is that Turkey is well known for fantastic dental work.
So here is my theory –
Why would I pay thousands upon thousands of euro here in Ireland to have my teeth done when:
Seems quite silly doesn’t it?
Planning my dental treatment and trip
As I mentioned previously above, I sent a quick email to the Tour Medical team explaining my situation on the 1st March 2015 (which I can still remember) and being honest I didn’t expect a reply as quick or a reply which was so informative.
Majella, who is the organiser of the dental holiday trips, got in contact with me within a few hours of sending the email. Majella explained to me about the dental holiday, what it was about, how treatment would be done and answered every single question I had which was brilliant. Being Irish herself, Majella has been in Turkey for quite a number of years and is married to a complete gentleman, Omar. Omar is the driver for the clinic and picks you up and drops you off for all your appointments with the dentist.
Getting in touch with me that evening, Majella and myself began chatting about what exactly I wanted done in regards of treatment and the price range which I had. I sent pictures of my teeth and described what exactly I hoped for. Majella consulted with Elcin who is the owner, head dentist and also the cosmetic dentist of the clinic. We arranged a plan which I was extremely happy with and also arranged a date for when I would arrive in Kusadasi, Turkey for my treatment.
My trip
Within the three months of talking and arranging my trip, I finally flew from Dublin to Kusadasi for my treatment on the 20th of June 2015. From the moment I sent the email in March to my arrival date in Turkey, Majella and I talked almost every week, texting and talking on the phone to each other ensuring the trip and treatment was all planned correctly. I sent pictures and also a 3D X-ray of my mouth and teeth to finalise my plan for when I arrived.
I arrived in Kusadasi on the Saturday evening of the 20th June around 4.30pm Turkish time, and Majella and Omar picked me up from our beautiful hotel, The Palmin Sunset Plaza at about 5.30pm for my first visit to the dentist. (I know, no time like the present) It was also so lovely to finally meet Majella after speaking for so long!
The dental clinic
Firstly I just want to say WOW to the clinic itself! It is stunning and would honestly put dental clinics to shame here in Ireland. The cleanliness is just outstanding, and put me quite at ease when I arrived first. My cosmetic dentist Elcin was just fantastic and has been perfecting her work for the last 13 years. All of the staff were so lovely and not to mention always had a smile on their faces when I walked in.
The clinic itself is the largest and most high-tec clinic in Kusadasi. It has three separate treatment rooms which are equipped with the most up to date instruments and equipment, including the best dental chairs (Athos A9) which are the most hygienic and are designed to minimise contamination. Each chair is equipped with a DVD player and a LCD TV which also displays your X-ray.
The clinic follows strict protocol in terms of cleanliness and hygiene. Each person must wear shoe coverings when they enter the clinic until the time they leave.
The clinic also has a therapy room if you feel you may need to relax before or after your treatment.
All areas carry beautiful soothing decor, surround sound systems and air conditioning.
Here are pictures of the clinics
My treatment plan
When I arrived at the dental clinic, I was greeted so nicely by all of the staff. I was then brought in for an X-ray and showed to one of three treatment rooms which may I just add are stunning! I was sitting in the dental chair over looking the sea and beach through the ceiling to floor glass windows, it was breathtaking and not what you would expect at all!
My X-Rays were displayed on a huge screen and from that, Elcin was able to see exactly what needed to be done along with an examination of my mouth. My budget for the treatment was €5000, so working with that, this was what my treatment plan included:
This treatment was done within the week, and was achieved so perfectly. I began my treatment on the Saturday evening when I arrived which included having all of my impressions done and having my top teeth prepared for the Zirconium crowns.
Now if any of you are wondering, the clinic does offer Porcelain crowns which are cheaper in terms of price. The reason I went for the Zirconium crowns was because they actually last a lot longer, will never stain, but most importantly are so natural looking and are stronger due to being made with Zirconium.
Throughout the week I had all of the above treatment done, I honestly can’t remember what I had done each day because it all seemed to roll into one! I was never more than 3 hours in the dentist each day which was fantastic because I still had the whole day, evening and night to soak up the sun, explore Kusadasi and of course more importantly go shopping!! I spent 5 days in total in the dentist, with two days off in order to let certain areas of my mouth heal.
Preparation for the Zirconium crowns
The preparation for the Zirconium crowns included having the whole area numbed with local anaesthetic, then my teeth were shaved at each side in order for my new crowns to be fitted on to my own tooth. Before this was done I had a number of impressions done. When my front teeth had been prepared for the crowns along with a smaller area at the bottom left of my mouth, a plastic impression of my old teeth was made as a guard for all the world! This was to protect these areas for the week and also so I could look half normal walking around!!
In terms of eating for the week, yes it was hard! I’m not going to lie! Now not because I was in pain, I was never in huge pain which I will talk about in a moment, but it was hard to eat with the plastic impression on my prepared teeth because as it was just a temporary cover, it didn’t line up with my bottom teeth when I bit down which was a little bit annoying but look it was only for a week!!!
I also had three bridges included in my treatment. Some of you are probably wondering what that is!
So because I had three teeth removed which would have been seen if I were to smile big, Elcin decided that a bridge would be the best option. What this is is a tooth which is actually connected to my crown and acts as a tooth basically! Bridges were probably the most expensive part of my treatment, and which I hope to have replaced with dental implants in the future as Elcin has said it would be a better option as the symmetry of my mouth and smile will look a lot better (even though I love how it looks now)
Extractions, root canal treatment and fillings.
Ok, so when anyone hears the words ‘extraction’ or ‘root canal’ you automatically get a big “ohhhh no not that” Now why this is I have no idea, obviously because they had a bad experience or so on. I can tell you now and this is no word of a lie, I did not feel a thing while having my three root canals done, which included one in my front tooth, a double one on my bottom back left tooth, and also a very deep one on the top left back tooth!
I also had four extractions done, three of which now have bridges in place of them, the other extraction was a back tooth on the top right of my mouth.
I had all of my old black fillings replaced with white fillings and also had a tiny little white filling done in a front side tooth, (I didn’t have to be numbed for it because it was that small!), I also had a small white filling in my left wisdom tooth.
Teeth whitening with Philips ‘Zoom’
So as my bottom teeth were perfect, I didn’t want to touch them, and also Elcin agreed that whitening them would be the best option. I then got my Zirconium crowns matched with my own teeth after the whitening was complete (1 hour) in terms of colour to make them as natural looking as possible.
The big question – Did it hurt?
I can honestly say that the only little bit of pain I had was after I had one of the teeth extracted and the numbness was gone. The area where I had the anaesthetic put in my gum was tender, but nothing a painkiller didn’t relieve. After that there wasn’t much!
I was treated using local anaesthetic for all of my work during the week and didn’t feel a thing! Elcin and the assistant nurse were incredible, if I needed a break, or felt that I could feel any of the work being done they were straight on it!
The result
On Friday the 26th June I was finally brought in to have my crowns fitted!! To say I was excited would be a complete understatement as my treatment would be complete and I could finally smile!
This is what my Zirconium crowns and bridges looked like after being made in the lab during the week
Before and after
So a lot of you have mentioned on my Instagram that you would like to see before and after pictures! Honestly it was very hard for me to find before pictures as I never smiled! But I wanted you all to see the difference, so here they are.
This first picture shows my teeth before, during while wearing the plastic impressions and then finished when my crowns were made and fitted.
Contact –
If you are interested in having any sort of dental treatment done with Tour Medical in Kusadasi, Turkey, simply head over to;
Or call;
I honestly don’t even know where to start!
– To Majella, I know you will be reading this, so firstly I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will never really know how much this has meant to me. You were there from the beginning, and stuck with me through the whole experience even answered all my questions which I’m sure drained you! Your such a beautiful person from the inside and out! And not to mention you were like a true Irish mammy to me when I was over!!
– To Omar, you are a complete gentleman and such a lovely kind hearted person. Thank you for all my little trips throughout the week.
– To Elcin, you should be so so proud of your work and your clinic. It is an absolutely amazing achievement. You are a fantastic dentist, cosmetic dentist and a truly lovely person who puts so much love into their work because it really shows. Elcin, I can’t thank you enough for the amazing work and treatment you done for me.
You have finally made me smile, and I won’t stop
To any of you out there who may be reading this and hoping to have treatment done, GO FOR IT!!! It was the best thing I have ever done!
I hope that in some way I have helped you! If anyone has any questions at all, no matter small or big, please please do not hesitate to ask because I know that if I had of had someone to talk with who has went through the treatment it would have been a huge help.
You can contact me directly by email – (, on my Facebook (The Style Shaper), or through Instagram (jennifer_carolan21).
Guys and dolls, I am so happy to finally share my dental journey and hopefully it has helped at least one person!
Stay fabulous as alway,
Sending lots of smiles,
The Style Shaper x