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Treatment Info

A jacket crown is a full porcelain ceramic covered crown which is used to protect the entire surface of a tooth. Crowns are an ideal way to rebuild teeth which have been broken or weakened by decay or large fillings.

Treatment Location

Kusadasi / Turkey

Treatment Type

Cosmetic dentistry Repairing broken tooth Smile makeover Smile makeover

Treatment Cost

Starting Price 500 €

Treatment Duration

10 Days Max

6 days

A jacket crown is a full porcelain ceramic covered crown which is used to protect the entire surface of a tooth. Crowns are an ideal way to rebuild teeth which have been broken or weakened by decay or large fillings. Crowns are fitted over the remaining part of the tooth to make it strong and give it the shape and contour of a natural tooth. Crowns may also be used to help whiten, reshape and realign existing teeth. Jacket crowns have the translucency of a natural tooth and are often recommended for anterior teeth.

When Is A Jacket Crown Used?

Jacket crown is a tooth shaped protective cap which is used as a covering over a tooth that is chipped, broken or otherwise damaged to create a permanently restored, functional and aesthetic natural look to teeth.

Advantages of Jacket Crowns

These crowns and bridgework will not corrode, and the normal black gum line that you might see around a porcelain fused metal crown will not occur, because of the strong ceramic material which is used. Also the hot and cold sensations you might feel with other crowns normally do not occur because of the lack of electrical conductivity.

What To Expect After You Have Your Jacket Crown?

Right after your new crown is cemented, you may experience some sensitivity to cold. This is normal because the tooth and the surrounding area might be slightly irritated during the procedure. You might also feel that your bite is off in the first couple of days. If the “off” feeling still persists after that, it might require a slight adjustment.

It is very important that you maintain excellent oral hygiene with your new crown or bridge. A crowned tooth might give the wrong impressions that it won’t decay like your natural teeth but it is still susceptible to decay near the gumline. You should continue to brush and floss as normal.

Jacket crowns are durable but they still have potential to fracture the same as a natural tooth. Avoid doing anything with a crown or bridge that could damage a natural tooth. Do not chew ice as extreme temperature change increases the fracture of crowns and natural teeth


  • Consultation and X-Ray.
  • Preparation of the tooth by removing a small amount of tooth structure.
  • Taking an impression of your tooth. This is done by a mould filled with dental putty which you will be asked to bite into. The impression will be sent to a dental lab where your crown will be fabricated. This might take a few days. Your dentist will let you know the exact day after taking your impression.
  • Placement of a temporary crown until your jacket crown is ready.
  • Fitting and bonding of your permanent crown when it is ready. Your dentist will give it a final clean and polish.

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