Interesting To Know….

  • If you don’t floss, you miss cleaning 40% of your tooth surfaces.
  • Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body.
  • The plaque found on your teeth is home to more than 300 different species of bacteria.

  • An average person spends 38.5 days brushing their teeth over their lifetime.
  • The average person spends about 48 seconds per day brushing their teeth, but dentists recommend at least 2 or 3 minutes.
  • Many diseases are linked to your oral health, including heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes.
  • People who drink 3 or more glasses of soda each day have 62% more tooth decay, fillings and tooth loss than others. There are 10-12 teaspoons of sugar in a single can of soda.
  • Placing a cap on your toothbrush is actually more harmful–bacteria like the moist environment, which increases reproduction.
  • At least 3 out of 4 persons suffer from some form of periodontal gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss for people over the age of 35.
  • In China, in 1498, the first toothbrush was made, using hair from hogs, horses, and badgers. The first official commercial toothbrush was manufactured in 1938.
  • In Egypt, mummies have been found with fillings comprised of resin and malachite, and gold wire was used to bind together loose teeth.
  • The Romans, in 200 AD, restored cavity-ridden teeth with gold crowns, and utilized fixed bridgework to fix gaps from missing teeth. They also used a form of toothpaste concocted from honey and crushed eggshells.

  • The average woman smiles about 62 times per day! A man? Only 8.
  • 50% of people surveyed say that a person’s smile is the first physical trait they notice.
  • Like your fingerprints, everyone has a unique set of teeth. Even identical twins have different dental prints.
  • Sports-related injuries account for approximately 5 million missing teeth per year.
  • Americans spend $100 billion per year on hair care products – and only $2 billion a year on dental treatment. What good is great hair without a great smile?!