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Treatment Info

A dental implant is a small screw usually made out of titanium, that replaces the root portion of a missing natural tooth. Due to the biocompatible properties of titanium, the dental implant fuses with the bone and becomes a secure anchor for the replacement tooth.

Treatment Location

Kusadasi / Turkey

Treatment Type

Replacing missing teeth Fixing dentures Smile makeover

Treatment Cost

Starting Price 500 €

Treatment Duration

10 Days Max

6 days


What is a Dental Implant?

A   dental implant   is a   prosthetic   replacement for a missing tooth. As we know natural tooth structure consists of a root and a tooth so in a dental implant procedure, we at Tourmedical in Kusadasi replace the root with a dental implant and replace the tooth with a crown or denture. It is that straight forward! The dental implant itself provides a strong foundation for the crown and it can be either fixed or removable. Dental implant procedures are carried out in the dental office in 1 or 2 stages.

So what exactly is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are predominantly made of   titanium . Titanium is a metal that is   bio-compatible   (compatible with a living tissue or a living system that is not toxic, injurious, or physiologically reactive and is not rejected by the immune system). All in all it means that titanium offers the best strength and durability. Dental implants are made in different sizes to suit the gap to be filled.

Dental implants are the most popular option for teeth replacement as they are strong, stable, and they function like your own natural teeth. They give back the confidence and self esteem to smile again.

There are three parts of an implant:

1. The implant device itself (which is placed directly into the bone)

2. The abutment piece that connects the implant device to the third part 

3. The overlying crown or denture. 

Are dental implants for me?

Dental implants are the best option for people who have missing teeth. They offer the best permanent solution for tooth replacement and is most beneficial in regard to oral care and hygiene.

Dental implants are and option for people who have:

  • A single tooth is missing - instead of a bridge
  • Several teeth are missing - instead of bridges or partial dentures
  • All teeth are missing - instead of dentures
  • If a person is unhappy with their smile and want to renew their appearance

How do I know if I am a suitable candidate for dental implant?

Almost everyone is a candidate for dental implants unless there is an untreated disease of the teeth, gums, or bone. More than likely a dentist will not carry out the treatment until these problems have been treated as they can affect the success of the implant surgery. If you are considering having dental implants, and you think that you may have a dental problem, contact your dentist to schedule an oral exam. It only takes about 30 mins including x-rays. If you are considering having dental work abroad, it is a good idea to have a quick exam and an   x-ray   at your local dentist’s clinic before traveling. This will then rule out any problems that may prevent you from having the treatment abroad.

Dental Implant Scenarios

Commoncauses of tooth loss include poor dental care, illness, root inflammation, severe gum disease, lifestyle choices, or injury to your   teeth . In some cases, some teeth might not develop properly due to genetic reasons. Therefore, gaps are formed between teeth, making it uncomfortable to eat or talk. Implants are the best permanent long - term option for teeth replacement. It provides a better solution compared to bridges and dentures.

In the absence of one tooth

When a natural root is lost and there is a gap, an implant is the ideal solution. The procedure for a dental implant is the same regardless of how many implants you need. When you have a dental bridge, the teeth on either side of the gap need to be cut down for the bridge to fit. Unlike a dental bridge, during a dental implant procedure the adjacent teeth are not affected. After the implant has been placed and has fused to the bone, and the healing period is, a crown is fitted over the implant abutment.

In the absence of multiple teeth

When you have multiple teeth missing together, an implant bridge can be used. The implant devices are put in just like a single implant, and then an implant bridge is placed. An implant bridge replaces the support lost as a result of missing teeth. It is placed from one implant to the other implant, and there is no need to drill any of the adjacent teeth. These dental implants are placed in strategic positions to replace the missing teeth. When the implants are stable, abutments can be attached to the implants that will connect the final bridge to the implants. An impression is made for the contours of the abutments or the position of the implant tops. The implant bridge is then made and placed using dental cement or screws.

If there are multiple teeth missing in different areas of the mouth, then single implants can be placed with crowns on top.

In the absence of all teeth (upper and lower jaw)

Option 1                                                                                                                                                          

Option 2

In the first option where all teeth are missing, a full set of implants can be placed. This would require a maximum of eight implants on the upper jaw and a minimum of six implants on the   lower jaw . Two sets of fourteen crowns are then placed on the upper and lower jaws.

The second option is to have implants and a click denture. Four implants are usually placed on the lower jaw and four implants are placed on the upper jaw. Then a denture is placed using a click system. The denture is clicked on the implants, setting your dentures firmly in place. The denture (click system) can be removed so it’s easy to maintain.

Dental implants provide several advantages over other teeth replacement options. They function and look like natural teeth. And implant-supported full bridges or dentures are designed to be long lasting. They are also more comfortable and stable than conventional dentures, allowing you to retain a more natural biting and chewing capacity.

In addition, because implant-supported full bridges and dentures will replace some of your tooth roots, your bone is better preserved. With conventional dentures, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth roots begins to resorb ( deteriorate ). Dental implants integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep the bone healthy and intact.

In some cases, if teeth have been missing for a long period of time, the jawbone might have shrunken. Shrinkage of the bone on the upper jaw may cause sinuses fall. Therefore, a bone graft or sinus lift will need to be carried out before an implant procedure. This can be identified with an x-ray. This is one the reasons why it is a good idea to have an x-ray taken before you travel abroad for a dental implant treatment. Although you can get x-rays when you arrive at your destination, if you have it done sooner you can plan better.

Adjunctive procedures

Bone Graft/ Bone Augmentation

When a tooth is missing for a long period (even if you are using a removable denture), it leads to significant decrease in the strength and thickness of the jawbone, which is called jawbone resorption. A dental implant is the only form of tooth replacement that prevents bone resorption. However, in order to successfully place the implant device, there has to be sufficient jawbone.

If there is not enough bone, or if the tissue is too soft for the implant to be placed, a bone graft is necessary. A bone graft is a replacement of missing bone. The dentist inserts synthetic bone into the area where the implant will be placed. Healing time is usually six to eight weeks. After the healing period, implants can be placed as described above.

Sinus Lifting

Sinus lifting is required when there is insufficient bone available to securely place the dental implant. When upper back teeth are missing for a long period of time bone in that area naturally shrinks or resorbs. Your sinuses expand to occupy the empty space where the bone used to be. The sinuses must be lifted in order to create space for placing additional bone in that area. The bone is added between your jaw and maxillary sinuses.

Implants may be contraindicated if a patient is taking intravenous and oral bisphosphonates as this may put a patient at a higher risk for   osteonecrosis . Osteonecrosis is a bone disease which results from the loss of blood supply to the bone.

Uncontrolled   Type II diabetes   is a significant relative contraindication as healing following any type of surgical procedure is delayed due to poor peripheral blood circulation.

What are the benefits to having dental implants?

There are many benefits and advantages of having dental implants:

  • Improved oral function
  • Prevent/reduce bone loss
  • Able to eat what you want
  • Better dental hygiene
  • Improved facial appearance
  • Boost your confidence and self esteem
  • No worries about slippage or problems with eating
  • Convenient
  • Long lasting
  • Comfort

The disadvantages to having implants are:

  • Time
  • Expense

Products & Brands used for this Treatment

Brands and quality are number one priority with us. Everything we use is to european standards and are proven and registered trademarks worldwide. At Tourmedical in Kusadasi Turkey we are using brands like Straumann, Zinedent, Nucleoss, Astra and Zimmer.
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