Hoe kies ik de beste tandarts?

Hoe kies ik de beste tandarts?

Teeth are important, no doubt about that. As a consequence, so is choosing a good dentist. But how to choose? To help you choosing a clinic (at home or abroad), Tourmedical prepared a checklist, based on our years of experience and expertise.

Tourmedical: de juiste keuze voor uw tandheelkundige behandeling

Tourmedical: de juiste keuze voor uw tandheelkundige behandeling

More and more people choose to have a medical treatment abroad. People are not restricting themselves to their own country any more, but choose the country and the specialists that meet their needs the best way possible. Studies show that medical tourism is continuously increasing.

Fantastische Seizoensaanbieding van Tourmedical

Fantastische Seizoensaanbieding van Tourmedical

You may already know about the high-quality dental treatment service you receive at Tourmedical and the financial advantage compared to your own country. But you may be surprised how easy it is to travel to Kusadasi and get the dental treatment you have always wanted.

Hoe om te gaan met angst voor de tandarts

Hoe om te gaan met angst voor de tandarts

Never or seldom going to the dentist naturally has serious consequences. Besides the obvious effects on the oral hygiene, there are big psychological problems as well. Bad teeth make one insecure.

Holiday Smile

Holiday Smile

At Tourmedical we yearly provide hundreds of people with beautiful teeth, which actually transforms them while they enjoy a nice holiday in sunny Kusadasi. Medical tourism, especially cosmetic dental treatments, are highly developed in Turkey.

Cosmetische tandheelkundige behandelingen

Cosmetische tandheelkundige behandelingen

Basic dental care is often covered by insurance but if there are reconstructive, restorative or cosmetic procedures required, insurance doesn’t cover this and the cost is sky high in their own Country which leads to the patient postponing these treatments until it is really necessary or until there is no alternative left.

Medisch Toerisme: wat levert het op?

Medisch Toerisme: wat levert het op?

Today a medical complaint can also be an ideal reason to travel elsewhere where a cheaper or better healthcare is provided, together with a good touristic infrastructure. Often the lower costs and shorter waiting lists are a motivation to search for treatments abroad with a high medical level of care.

My Dental Treatment With Tourmedical

My Dental Treatment With Tourmedical

Are you thinking of having dental treatment, but have a lot of questions in your mind?? Well check out a blog done by one of our patients from start to finish, how her experience went !

Psychische Effecten

Psychische Effecten

People connect expression to a certain personality. For instance: when someone has an exuberant laugh, we find that person sociable and think he has a positive personality. When someone places their hands before their mouth while speaking we tend to associate that with shyness or insecurity. The face speaks volumes. And the teeth even more.

Kritieke succesfactoren voor implantaten

Kritieke succesfactoren voor implantaten

When we look to the history of dental implants we find that it’s a relatively new procedure. About just a few decades ago, this treatment was not even part of the curriculum for dentistry students.

Belang Van Nazorg

Belang Van Nazorg

To do that is your responsibility. Any treatment done at Tourmedical is done carefully and following strict procedures. The dentists are highly qualified using the latest & most up to date technology.

Gelukkiger met mooie tanden

Gelukkiger met mooie tanden

We see a beautiful smile and we usually connect that with positive personal traits. The mouth or the face in general is the first location of contact with others. So it is very understandable that everyone wants and enjoys beautiful teeth.

Roken En Het Gebit

Roken En Het Gebit

Smoking causes harmful pollutants, including tar and nicotine.Tar has the most effect in the development of cancer , and nicotine speeds up the heart rate and raises blood pressure , but also penetrates into the gums. The probability of the occurrence of periodontal disease (gum disease) is higher for smokers than for non -smokers.

Gezonde Tanden, Gezond Lichaam

Gezonde Tanden, Gezond Lichaam

This is true for heart diseases, but also appears to be true for different types of cancer. Recent research has even shown a link between oral health and kidney disease.

Goede redenen om voor implantaten te kiezen

Goede redenen om voor implantaten te kiezen

As we grow older more and more distinct lines and wrinkles we develop. Our face changes, slowly we lose facial structure and also our face shortens. This facial shortening is often the result of bone loss, which happens faster in case of teeth loss.

Interessant om te weten ....

Interessant om te weten ....

If you don’t floss, you miss cleaning 40% of your tooth surfaces. Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. The plaque found on your teeth is home to more than 300 different species of bacteria.

Tandheelkundige Zorg Voor Baby’s

Tandheelkundige Zorg Voor Baby’s

Before you spot the white bud getting ready to show as a first tooth looking after gums can ensure healthy baby tooth growth.By wiping down your babies gums with a moistened wash-cloth or gauze twice a day will get rid of bacteria and prevent it from clinging to the gums.

Onze Belofte Aan Onze Patiënten

Onze Belofte Aan Onze Patiënten

There are dental care providers that have (???) offices in Dublin and the UK and provide dental care abroad. They offer cheap prices abroad and guarantee if something should go wrong that they can return to the clinic at home and will be looked after.



There are so many toothpaste brands on the market and make it hard to choose from. In addition to many different flavours you can find toothpaste for whitening teeth, sensitive teeth and preventing cavities Tour Medical has put together a few tips to help you along.

Risks of Medical Tourism

Risks of Medical Tourism

While a great majority of the doctors woking in these countries will be more than qualified it is always best to check out the credentials of any doctor you wish to work with before ever undergoing any procedure.



Choosing a city in an exotic country for your dental needs is a great way to recover during and after treatment but some cities do not have everything to offer. Be sure to learn all about the clinic, the dentist and the treatment. Seeing as you are travelling you should expect only the best standards provided to you. The dentist should have the relevant qualifications, the equipment should be up to date and clinic should be at a high standard. Read reviews, try talk with patients who have been there and have as much contact with the clinic as possible be for booking.



If you are a person that is not happy with the appearance of their teeth and would like to change either one thing or get a brand new smile, cosmetic dentistry is your answer. Nowadays cosmetic dentistry is everywhere it is so affordable especially if travelling abroad

Tourmedical voor uw tandheelkundige gezondheid

Tourmedical voor uw tandheelkundige gezondheid

Over the years we’ve received many questions, mainly about ‘why would I go to Turkey for my dental treatment?’, ‘why would I choose Tourmedical?’ or ‘why would choosing Tourmedical be a better decision than going to the nearest dentist?’. This is why.

Ondersteunende Medisch Tourism

Ondersteunende Medisch Tourism

Before there was a lot of negativity toward going abroad for dental treatments, especially toward the lack of communication and aftercare factors. Aftercare is carried out the same in all dentists. If you have a problem and return to a dentist at home, you are charged for your visits, especially if o is an emergency. But with medical tourism, most practices include this aftercare in your price and pay close attention during and after your treatment.

Benefits of Medical Tourism

Benefits of Medical Tourism

One of the primary benefits of medical tourism is the huge potential for savings. Even when the cost of the plane ticket and accommodation, for the weeks that you are there are added in, treatment in a foreign country can still be significantly cheaper than back home.

Tandheelkunde In Het Buitenland ?

Tandheelkunde In Het Buitenland ?

Many International dental services offer the best service, best results and clinics with the highest technology for all treatments. Unfortunatley, in this mix there are sometimes clinics may offer low prices with hidden costs.

Een mooie glimlach voor Kerst

Een mooie glimlach voor Kerst

The white Christmas at home is a time of reflection, looking back and looking forward. With the busy schedules of work and other responsibilities, it’s often hard to make time for yourself, and your own wishes.

Is het te vertrouwen?

Is het te vertrouwen?

Testimonials from former clients about the service. ?The appreciation of clients of the dentist demonstrate the quality of the treatment.

Waarom Kiezen Voor Tourmedical ?

Waarom Kiezen Voor Tourmedical ?

Why Choose Tour Medical ? We all know that looking for the necessary qualifications and level of languages spoken is a must to be taken into consideration but what about the extras. Yes the extras that really make that trip a special one.

Tips voor gezonde tanden in 2016

Tips voor gezonde tanden in 2016

Almost everyone makes new year’s resolutions. Some of the most known are ‘quit smoking’, ‘more exercise’, ‘lose weight’, ‘stress less’ or ‘live more healthy’. Tourmedical wants to help you to set a few resolutions for 2016 for healthier teeth. Here are some do’s and don’ts for a beautiful smile.

Goedkoper Uit In Het Buitenland

Goedkoper Uit In Het Buitenland

People are now heading to the chemist for pain relief medicines and some try to do their own filling with “do it yourselftemporary products”. Some people leave so long that a simple check up and prescription from a dentist can lead to more serious problems, Root Canal, Extraction and or Gum disease.

Slechte Adem-Halitose

Slechte Adem-Halitose

Eating habits can cause bad breath.... When food is broken down, it goes into the blood stream, carried to the lungs and given off in your breath.

Tandenknarsen Doet U Dat Ook ?

Tandenknarsen Doet U Dat Ook ?

One of the main reasons people grind their teeth is due to stress and /or anxiety. Everyone deals with stress differently but when you are emotionally tense, your body is usually tense as well and most of the time this tension is “stored” in the jaw.



Flossing is necessary to remove plaque and debris between the teeth. Cleaning with the toothbrush is often not enough. The toothbrush can’t easily reach under the gum line and between the teeth. The electric toothbrushes are more effective than regular toothbrushes, but for those places where debris is difficult to remove, we need to floss.

Dental Alphabet

Dental Alphabet

ABUTMENT Abutments are the part of the bridge used to support the replacement of the missing teeth (pontics).



Pain after Treatment ? If a patient had a crown, veneer or a filling placed and within a short time frame it broke then the dentist is obliged to replace it. But what does it mean if a patient begins to experience pain a month or two after a treatment had been placed? Well a month or two is a long time after a treatment to experience pain. This does not mean that it is a fault of the dentist or something that had been over seen at a previous visit.

Tandheelkundige Zorg Voor Kinderen

Tandheelkundige Zorg Voor Kinderen

Most children receive dental treatment form a pediatric dentist at school but we also need to attend regular dental visits with them. A dentist’s primary goals are prevention and maintenance.

Tourmedical En Cosmetische Tandheelkunde

Tourmedical En Cosmetische Tandheelkunde

Perception allows us to take the sensory information in and translate it into something meaningful. Through our perception of the world we also form stereotypes (and prejudices).

Gelukkig Nieuwjaar

Gelukkig Nieuwjaar

Happy New Year If you are thinking it is too late to bring in the New Year with better and whiter smile?.. It’s not!

Stereotypen versus de Werkelijkheid

Stereotypen versus de Werkelijkheid

Perception allows us to take the sensory information in and translate it into something meaningful. Through our perception of the world we also form stereotypes (and prejudices).

Hygiene & Sterilisatie

Hygiene & Sterilisatie

Hygiene & Sterilisatie. At Tour Medical we go the extra mile to ensure our clinic is kept at high level of cleanliness and is constantly sterilized in every area and room in the clinic. When you visit our clinic you will see that we prevent the spread of germs and bacteria before entering. We offer plastic shoe covers to prevent the spread of germs picked up from outside.

De perfecte periode voor uw behandeling

De perfecte periode voor uw behandeling

The summer is over, the holiday hectic too. Autumn is here and winter is just around the corner. The time for work, school, responsibilities…. We often forget to take time for ourselves. Get that extra time to take a break or to treat ourselves to get that nice smile we always wanted….

Effecten van stress op het gebit

Effecten van stress op het gebit

We all know that stress is not good for your health. Some get a headache, a stomach ache or feeling tired all the time. But did you know that too much stress could also have a negative effect oral health? For instance, stress can lead to

Uw Behandeling Met Tourmedical

Uw Behandeling Met Tourmedical

When someone sends an enquiry weather it be online or phone we call immediately to get directly in contact with them. We try to get an understanding of your dental needs.

Een witte kerst in Kusadasi

Een witte kerst in Kusadasi

The white Christmas at home is a time of reflection, looking back and looking forward. With the busy schedules of work and other responsibilities, it’s often hard to make time for yourself, and your own wishes.

Selectie uit tandheelkundig nieuws in 2014

Selectie uit tandheelkundig nieuws in 2014

- People with periodontal disease were 4 times more likely to develop chronic kidney disease. - 90 percent of dental providers stated that they asked their patients about their tobacco use on a regular basis. The numbers also stated that 76 percent counsel their patients while 45 percent offer tobacco cessation assistance. Today, smoking, type 2 diabetes and the food and drinks people consume lead to a higher risk of gum disease. -Ancient Romans knew how to take care of their gums. Only 5 percent of Romans suffered from gum disease while 30 percent of people today encounter that problem.

Facings vs Lumineers

Facings vs Lumineers

The brand Lumineers claims that their product does not need any preparation at all and can be placed easily on the teeth. Just like false nails. But our dentists at Tourmedical don’t quite agree with this assumption.

Kinderen En De Tandarts

Kinderen En De Tandarts

There can be various reasons why a child has developed fear for the dentist. Their own past experiences, but more often the stories they hear from other children are the cause. Or (usually) because the parents are afraid and unconsciously teach their children that going to the dentist is something to be afraid of. Children are very sensitive to their parents feelings and fears. If you have fear for the dentist, it is advised that another adult, who is not afraid, accompanies your child to the dentist.

Tandheelkundige kronen

Tandheelkundige kronen

There are several types of crowns. Permanent crowns can be made from stainless steel, all resin, porcelain-fused-to-metal, metal, or all-ceramic/porcelain.

Important oral health habits for children

Important oral health habits for children

Childrens dental health is very important and so should be set in motion from a very young age. Tooth decay can develop any time after the first tooth appears, starting around 6 months old, and good habits should begin even earlier.

An Introduction to Medical Tourism

An Introduction to Medical Tourism

Medical tourism is becoming an increasingly popular choice for people all over the world. The cost of dental work and a variety of other medical treatments abroad can be as little as 20% of the cost of the same treatment in your home country.

How To Become Successful In Life - Consult A Dentist!

How To Become Successful In Life - Consult A Dentist!

Consulting a cosmetic dentist is probably not the first thing that someone looking for success in life considers, but we can explain how a perfect smile and self image makes a big difference. To some of you the title of the article might sound strange. Why would we want to consult a dentist to succeed in a profession or our personal life?
